Money Counters Ministry | Ministerio de Contar
We count every Monday. We are responsible for making sure the funds donated to the church weekly are counted and deposited in a timely manner. Potential volunteers must submit a background and credit check, and be current on Safe Environment.
Contamos el dinero recibido durante las colectas cada semana. Somos responsables de que los fundos donados a la iglesia sean contados y depositados en un tiempo oportuno. Los voluntarios potenciales deben presentar una verificación de antecedentes y crédito, y estar corriente con el programa Ambiente Seguro.
Deacon Ricardo Deleon | 817-626-3055 ext.102 |
Finance Committee | Comité de Financias
The Parish Finance Council serves as an advisory body to the Pastor in the administration and stewardship of finances, budget, facilities, fundraising, and long-range financial planning. Members are appointed by the Pastor.
El Comité de Financias sirve como un órgano consultivo al Pastor en la administración de la financias, presupuesto, facilidades, recaudación de fondos, y planificación financiera de largo alcance. Miembros son apuntados por el Pastor.
Deacon Ricardo Deleon | 817-626-3055 ext.102 |
Pastoral Council | Concilio Pastoral
The Pastoral Council serves as a consultative body for the Pastor. Their purpose is to discern, through prayer and study, how the parish can best carry out the mission of the Church.
El Concilio Pastoral sirve como un órgano consultivo al Pastor. Su propósito es a discernir, a través de oración y estudio, como la parroquia pueda mejor llevar a cabo la misión de la Iglesia.
Fr. D. Timothy Thompson| 817-626-3055 |
Stewardship Committee | Comité de Coresponsabilidad
Navigate back to the What is Stewardship? page or click on this link Stewardship for more information about Stewardship, and the various ministries and organizations that are currently active at All Saints Catholic Church. Stewardship pamphlets are available on the Stewardship page.
You can also sign up as a volunteer by following this link: REGISTER
Someone will contact you to provide parish requirements to serve as a volunteer.